We will be playing some shows in Southern California right when we get back from Japan. There will be a show the night of the February 7th matinee show. I'll put up the info for that gig when it comes in. There will not be any cops policing the February 6th party at The Echoplex so come out and get wild. I'm not too sure when we will playing Southern California after these gigs. It might be awhile so you you shouldn't miss these. See you there...
Friday, February 6th
Fucked Up
Mika Miko
Trash Talk
+ one more
@ The EchoPlex
1154 Glendale Blvd.
8:00pm / $10 /All Ages
more info:
Saturday, February 7th
Fucked Up
Trash Talk
Mika Miko
Tippers Gore
@ Angeleno's Pizza
135 E. Second St.
Pomona, CA 91767
3:00pm / $10 / All Ages
more info: www.myspace.com/fyeahfest
Being home is still really weird. Maybe its because I live in a van. Hope all is well. See you soon.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Merry Christmas!

Stop by our webstore and pick up a Destroy Christmas shirt available for a limited time only. These are shipping for Christmas only so don't sleep on them.
Keep your eyes open for new designs and updates at TRASHTALKHC.COM
Thanks and Happy Holidays.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
We are going to JAPAN... January 31st..

We are heading over to Japan for our first time this upcoming January. It is going to be our first gig of the new year. We are playing Pump Up The Volume Fest in Kawasaki, Kanagawa. If you life in Japan you should come out to the fest. We can't wait to get out that way. It's gonna be a crazy time. More new stuff coming soon...
2009/01/31 (SAT)
"Pump Up The Volume Fest 2009"
w/ Shai Hulud, Parkway Drive, Death Before Dishonor, Trash Talk, Carpathian, Clystal Lake, Endzweck, FC Five and more
@CLUB CITTA' Kawasaki, Kanagawa
Hope all is well with everyone. Listen to more SABERTOOTH ZOMBIE. Bang your head. See you soon..
Sunday, December 7, 2008
We played an Opera House in Oakland on Saturday.. SPENCER is back...
We played at The Oakland Metro Opera House yesterday. It was a wild show to say the least. It was a super mixed bill. Tons of different people from all different walks of life. There was 500 kids there or something crazy like that. The security guards didn't really know what the fuck was going on but it only made for a more wild show. Kids diving on top of security guards is top notch. Spencer played this gig with us. He is all healed up and back on the prowl with us again. It's a good feeling to be gigging with Spencer again. It wasn't the same without him. Derek from VIOLATION filled in on the skins for this gig because Rashod is back in Richmond, VA. VIOLATION is the hardest band coming out of Southern California right now. If you don't know what's up you're sleeping. Here are some photos from the gig on Saturday. Check it out:

That's about all I got for right now. I will be posting some wild tour dates soon so keep your eyes open for that. Also all of the backed up merch orders from our webstore have been sent out. If you ordered anything from us you should have it any day now. Now that all of that stuff is out of the way we should be having some new shit up in our webstore VERY soon. Keep your ear to the streets.
Hope all is well.. See you soon...

That's about all I got for right now. I will be posting some wild tour dates soon so keep your eyes open for that. Also all of the backed up merch orders from our webstore have been sent out. If you ordered anything from us you should have it any day now. Now that all of that stuff is out of the way we should be having some new shit up in our webstore VERY soon. Keep your ear to the streets.
Hope all is well.. See you soon...
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Back from Alaska... U.S. Tour is over....
Hello world,
I'm a little bit late on posting about all of this stuff but whatever it happens. We just got back from Alaska about a week ago and a half ago. It was fucking rad. Those last two shows up there marked the end of our U.S. tour. Alaska is a lot more wild then I had expected it to be. It was something like 3 degrees the whole time we were there. I was literally wearing 10 layers the whole weekend.
The first show of that weekend was at a place called The Downstairs in Anchorage. I had no idea what to expect when we showed up at the place but it ended up being a pretty sweet show. This band SHE opened up the gig. It was their first show and they fucking destroyed. It was sick. I believe they are recording their demo soon so keep your eyes open for that shit. The singer of SHE was also our driver for the weekend. He was a real wild man. I swear he was fucked up the whole weekend. Whenever we drank a beer/hit the blunt or anything like that he would do it twice. He must of had a hard time driving. It was pretty wild and probably really unsafe but who cares we had a blast with that guy. KORRUPTURE also played the show and they shredded. I was standing on the side of the stage watching them with my jaw dropped to the floor the whole time. All of those dudes are super good at what they do and you could tell. Hella metal all the time. They also happen to be some of the best people on this earth. They let us stay at their house for the weekend and took really good care of us. I can't wait to hang with them again. THE SCURVIES played next and had the place slammin around and going wild. Some kids were telling us how hyped they were to see them play because they live in Fairbanks. Which is pretty far away so they barely ever play the area. They were rocking. By the time it was our turn to play the place had filled out pretty well. There was a cool stage at the spot. Everything seemed to be set up for a good gig but I still had no idea what to expect. From the first note to the the last note of the set people were flying everywhere. It was fucking sick. If I find any photos/videos from this show I will post them up here. It seemed like kids from Alaska have been waiting for a hardcore show to happen or something. The place was raging. People were on stage a lot of the time. A good portion of the set was spent singing from the drum riser. We played a bunch of songs that we did not play on the rest of the U.S. tour which was cool. We figure'd if we are going to travel up to Alaska to play some shows we might as well play A LOT of songs. People up there seem generally stoked on punk/hardcore which is hard to find a lot of places. There is def something growing up there in that area. It may not be crazy huge right now but it is definitely bubbling hard.
After the show we packed up all of our shit and loaded it out into the hellish 5 degree weather that was going down. After that we made our way over to a cozy little house on the other side of town where some sort of house party/show was going on. It was rad. Everyone there was super cool to us. There were some real deal Alaskan Mountain men partying hard. It was hard. Alaskan house parties are wild. SHE played another set in the basement of the house. It was their 2nd show and it was twice as good this time around. The ceiling was ripped down while they were playing. Whenever the ceiling comes down you know its a good time. After that we went back to the KORRUPTURE house and passed the fuck out.
We had big plans to wake up early the next day and go see glaciers and all of this wild shit but we ended up sleeping in way too late. Which wasn't a big deal because we still had another day(Sunday) to do all of that stuff. Saturday was spent hanging around the house trying to stay warm and entertaining ourselves on games of tetris. Around 6 o clock we made our way over to Wasilla. The show that Saturday was at a place called Make A Scene. We got there kind of early. There was an acoustic show going on before ours. Garrett and I caught the last few songs of this older mans set. He was actually really good. The show in Wasilla was rad too. There was no stage and the venue was about half of the size of the venue on Friday. Kids packed it in and slammed around. SHE/KORRUPTURE and THE SCURVIES all played again. They all killed it again. Here are some pictures from that show:

After the show we went out to stay at our friends cabin in the middle of the woods. He said it would be a great way to experience Alaska. He was right. I have never seen anything like that place before. It was right on the edge of a huge frozen lake. I saw some wild moose around there and the person who drove us to the house took us to do crazy doughnuts in the ice. Here is a picture of our friends back porch the morning after we stayed there:

Here is a picture of a bear hanging on our friends wall at his cabin:

After having a good breakfast and running around on the snowy frozen lake all morning we headed out on our Alaskan adventure. We drove up some crazy mountain. 2 dudes ate some mushrooms and tripped the whole time in white out conditions. I had a handle of whiskey to myself for the whole ride. It was a crazy set up. We were driving down a two lane highway up the side of a mountain. Everywhere around us looked like it was straight out of national geographic or a postcard or something. Here is a picture from the truck while we were driving around:

We stopped off the side of the road to take a piss somewhere at this frozen lake on our drive around. Out of nowhere two mountain men came out of the woods with guns. The informed us that they were looking for rabbits to get for tonights dinner. They also told us that it was going to be dark any minute so we should probably head back down the mountain before its impossible to get out. We listened to them and made our way back to Anchorage. I was way too drunk by the time we got back to the house. I passed out the second I walked in the door. I slept for a few hours. Then I was woken up for moose burritos. Our friends dad had moose meat and made burritos out of it. It was fucking gnarly. MOOSE BURRITOS? What the fuck is up with that. I also had some reigndeer sausage which was also pretty weird but oh well I had to do it. We were in Alaska. Shit like that happens in Alaska. After our moose dinner we packed up our shit and got dropped off at the airport. We had a redeye flight from Alaska to Seattle. We got into Seattle around 6 AM. Right when we landed I had to sprint over to my connecting flight down to San Francisco. I caught that and got into SF around 10 AM. My friend picked me up in the city and dropped me off at my house in the city of trees(ssssaaaccrraaammeennttooo).
Coming home from tour is really fucking weird. It always feels the same. I figured after doing this so many times I SHOULD be used to this feeling by now but I am not. It is next level weird to feel more at home in the van than your actual house. I think the main thing that sends me into a mind fuck when I am home is the fact that... on tour you travel hundreds of miles each day. You are always on the move. Shit is constantly changing around you. New faces and new places. When you are home it is the complete opposite. Everything is the same every fucking day. When I'm home I feel like I'm trapped within a 500 mile radius. Which seems pretty big I guess but it really doesn't feel right when you're used to being on the constant prowl. This tour we just finished was a 44 day rager. The tour was 44 days but I think we played around 48 sets. It was a fucking gnarly tour. We did a bunch of wild shit on this tour from flooding basements in Indiana to playing 3 shows in 1 day in NYC. Shout outs to all of the promoters who helped us out on this tour and to anyone who let us crash on their floors/do their drugs/drink their beers/borrow their gear etc... it is so much more appreciated than you will probably ever know. We will have more tour dates coming SOON. U.S. Tours/Australian Tours/European tours/Japan tours etc.... We will be playing EVERYWHERE in 2009. We won't be playing very many shows this month at all. We are playing this Saturday in Oakland. You should come out if you are in the area. It is our last show of the year. Other than that it's time to hang around the area for the holidays. Hopefully we will be seeing all of you soon... I'm sure we will.
Fuck I just realized I uploaded the photos wrong. Click on them to see em full size.
GP The Beast forever.
I'm a little bit late on posting about all of this stuff but whatever it happens. We just got back from Alaska about a week ago and a half ago. It was fucking rad. Those last two shows up there marked the end of our U.S. tour. Alaska is a lot more wild then I had expected it to be. It was something like 3 degrees the whole time we were there. I was literally wearing 10 layers the whole weekend.
The first show of that weekend was at a place called The Downstairs in Anchorage. I had no idea what to expect when we showed up at the place but it ended up being a pretty sweet show. This band SHE opened up the gig. It was their first show and they fucking destroyed. It was sick. I believe they are recording their demo soon so keep your eyes open for that shit. The singer of SHE was also our driver for the weekend. He was a real wild man. I swear he was fucked up the whole weekend. Whenever we drank a beer/hit the blunt or anything like that he would do it twice. He must of had a hard time driving. It was pretty wild and probably really unsafe but who cares we had a blast with that guy. KORRUPTURE also played the show and they shredded. I was standing on the side of the stage watching them with my jaw dropped to the floor the whole time. All of those dudes are super good at what they do and you could tell. Hella metal all the time. They also happen to be some of the best people on this earth. They let us stay at their house for the weekend and took really good care of us. I can't wait to hang with them again. THE SCURVIES played next and had the place slammin around and going wild. Some kids were telling us how hyped they were to see them play because they live in Fairbanks. Which is pretty far away so they barely ever play the area. They were rocking. By the time it was our turn to play the place had filled out pretty well. There was a cool stage at the spot. Everything seemed to be set up for a good gig but I still had no idea what to expect. From the first note to the the last note of the set people were flying everywhere. It was fucking sick. If I find any photos/videos from this show I will post them up here. It seemed like kids from Alaska have been waiting for a hardcore show to happen or something. The place was raging. People were on stage a lot of the time. A good portion of the set was spent singing from the drum riser. We played a bunch of songs that we did not play on the rest of the U.S. tour which was cool. We figure'd if we are going to travel up to Alaska to play some shows we might as well play A LOT of songs. People up there seem generally stoked on punk/hardcore which is hard to find a lot of places. There is def something growing up there in that area. It may not be crazy huge right now but it is definitely bubbling hard.
After the show we packed up all of our shit and loaded it out into the hellish 5 degree weather that was going down. After that we made our way over to a cozy little house on the other side of town where some sort of house party/show was going on. It was rad. Everyone there was super cool to us. There were some real deal Alaskan Mountain men partying hard. It was hard. Alaskan house parties are wild. SHE played another set in the basement of the house. It was their 2nd show and it was twice as good this time around. The ceiling was ripped down while they were playing. Whenever the ceiling comes down you know its a good time. After that we went back to the KORRUPTURE house and passed the fuck out.
We had big plans to wake up early the next day and go see glaciers and all of this wild shit but we ended up sleeping in way too late. Which wasn't a big deal because we still had another day(Sunday) to do all of that stuff. Saturday was spent hanging around the house trying to stay warm and entertaining ourselves on games of tetris. Around 6 o clock we made our way over to Wasilla. The show that Saturday was at a place called Make A Scene. We got there kind of early. There was an acoustic show going on before ours. Garrett and I caught the last few songs of this older mans set. He was actually really good. The show in Wasilla was rad too. There was no stage and the venue was about half of the size of the venue on Friday. Kids packed it in and slammed around. SHE/KORRUPTURE and THE SCURVIES all played again. They all killed it again. Here are some pictures from that show:

After the show we went out to stay at our friends cabin in the middle of the woods. He said it would be a great way to experience Alaska. He was right. I have never seen anything like that place before. It was right on the edge of a huge frozen lake. I saw some wild moose around there and the person who drove us to the house took us to do crazy doughnuts in the ice. Here is a picture of our friends back porch the morning after we stayed there:

Here is a picture of a bear hanging on our friends wall at his cabin:

After having a good breakfast and running around on the snowy frozen lake all morning we headed out on our Alaskan adventure. We drove up some crazy mountain. 2 dudes ate some mushrooms and tripped the whole time in white out conditions. I had a handle of whiskey to myself for the whole ride. It was a crazy set up. We were driving down a two lane highway up the side of a mountain. Everywhere around us looked like it was straight out of national geographic or a postcard or something. Here is a picture from the truck while we were driving around:

We stopped off the side of the road to take a piss somewhere at this frozen lake on our drive around. Out of nowhere two mountain men came out of the woods with guns. The informed us that they were looking for rabbits to get for tonights dinner. They also told us that it was going to be dark any minute so we should probably head back down the mountain before its impossible to get out. We listened to them and made our way back to Anchorage. I was way too drunk by the time we got back to the house. I passed out the second I walked in the door. I slept for a few hours. Then I was woken up for moose burritos. Our friends dad had moose meat and made burritos out of it. It was fucking gnarly. MOOSE BURRITOS? What the fuck is up with that. I also had some reigndeer sausage which was also pretty weird but oh well I had to do it. We were in Alaska. Shit like that happens in Alaska. After our moose dinner we packed up our shit and got dropped off at the airport. We had a redeye flight from Alaska to Seattle. We got into Seattle around 6 AM. Right when we landed I had to sprint over to my connecting flight down to San Francisco. I caught that and got into SF around 10 AM. My friend picked me up in the city and dropped me off at my house in the city of trees(ssssaaaccrraaammeennttooo).
Coming home from tour is really fucking weird. It always feels the same. I figured after doing this so many times I SHOULD be used to this feeling by now but I am not. It is next level weird to feel more at home in the van than your actual house. I think the main thing that sends me into a mind fuck when I am home is the fact that... on tour you travel hundreds of miles each day. You are always on the move. Shit is constantly changing around you. New faces and new places. When you are home it is the complete opposite. Everything is the same every fucking day. When I'm home I feel like I'm trapped within a 500 mile radius. Which seems pretty big I guess but it really doesn't feel right when you're used to being on the constant prowl. This tour we just finished was a 44 day rager. The tour was 44 days but I think we played around 48 sets. It was a fucking gnarly tour. We did a bunch of wild shit on this tour from flooding basements in Indiana to playing 3 shows in 1 day in NYC. Shout outs to all of the promoters who helped us out on this tour and to anyone who let us crash on their floors/do their drugs/drink their beers/borrow their gear etc... it is so much more appreciated than you will probably ever know. We will have more tour dates coming SOON. U.S. Tours/Australian Tours/European tours/Japan tours etc.... We will be playing EVERYWHERE in 2009. We won't be playing very many shows this month at all. We are playing this Saturday in Oakland. You should come out if you are in the area. It is our last show of the year. Other than that it's time to hang around the area for the holidays. Hopefully we will be seeing all of you soon... I'm sure we will.
Fuck I just realized I uploaded the photos wrong. Click on them to see em full size.
GP The Beast forever.
Friday, November 21, 2008
SECRET SEATTLE SHOW??? We are in Alaska... It is freezing...
First off thanks to anyone who went out of their way to come out to the secret gig in Seattle the other night. Thanks for keeping the address off of the web. Extra special thanks to JR for letting us use his spot. That shit was wild. It's rad that this shit was downtown a block away from the stadium and it still didnt get busted up. Shout outs to TRIUMPH and FENCES for joining us on the gig. It was a rad mix up. Sorry to anyone who tried to come out but couldn't find the place. Maybe it'll work out next time. Here are a bunch of pictures and some videos from the super secret show the other night. Check it out...

Our friend TJ from ACTUAL PAIN drew up a TT shirt for this Seattle gig. He has a few of them left up in his webstore. They will probably be gone by the time you read this but if not you should go get one. These things are super limited. TT X AP. Check it out...

The morning after the Seattle show we got up early to go clean up the spot from the night before and pack our shit to head up to Alaska. We got to the airport around 11 o clock and dealt with the demons that work at the Continental Airlines desk for a few. After arguing for awhile we boarded our plane at 12:40 headed to Alaska. I sat behind a baby that cried for four hours straight. It was intense. Flying into Alaska is one of the wildest things I have ever seen in my life. I have never seen snow and mountains like that. It was a next level sight. When we landed we were greeted with open arms. The weather here is fucked up. It was 10 degrees last night or something? Who knows? It was the coldest I have ever been in my life. I am currently wearing 7 layers of clothing. We have been staying with the dudes in a band called korupture. They are the best dudes. Everyone here has been rad to us. We drank some home brewed alcohol last night and smoke way too much weed. Always good times in Alaska. I had reindeer sausage at a breakfast spot this morning. We are going to run around on glaciers tonight after the show. I am out of here. The first show of the Alaska trip is in a few hours. If you live in Alaska you better be there. You have no excuse. Freeze up...

See you soon..

Our friend TJ from ACTUAL PAIN drew up a TT shirt for this Seattle gig. He has a few of them left up in his webstore. They will probably be gone by the time you read this but if not you should go get one. These things are super limited. TT X AP. Check it out...

The morning after the Seattle show we got up early to go clean up the spot from the night before and pack our shit to head up to Alaska. We got to the airport around 11 o clock and dealt with the demons that work at the Continental Airlines desk for a few. After arguing for awhile we boarded our plane at 12:40 headed to Alaska. I sat behind a baby that cried for four hours straight. It was intense. Flying into Alaska is one of the wildest things I have ever seen in my life. I have never seen snow and mountains like that. It was a next level sight. When we landed we were greeted with open arms. The weather here is fucked up. It was 10 degrees last night or something? Who knows? It was the coldest I have ever been in my life. I am currently wearing 7 layers of clothing. We have been staying with the dudes in a band called korupture. They are the best dudes. Everyone here has been rad to us. We drank some home brewed alcohol last night and smoke way too much weed. Always good times in Alaska. I had reindeer sausage at a breakfast spot this morning. We are going to run around on glaciers tonight after the show. I am out of here. The first show of the Alaska trip is in a few hours. If you live in Alaska you better be there. You have no excuse. Freeze up...

See you soon..
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I haven't been on this blog in awhile. Tons of shit has happened. We have been playing a bunch. Went through the south down to Florida and across through Texas then up into California All the shows were fucking rad. I just haven't been at a computer enough to blog about them. I'll get down when we are in Alaska. There are a lot of videos/stories to check out. For now check out this video from our show the other night in Southern California...
We are playing Reno, NV tonight with our friends in GRACE ALLEY. It's a basement show and we haven't been to Reno in a long time so we are hyped on tonight. We are heading up north right after the show. Portland is tomorrow. We have a day off after Portland then on Wednesday the day before we fly up to Alaska we will be playing a FREE SHOW in DOWNTOWN SEATTLE with our friends from the area. Send an email to WINNERSCIRCLESEATTLE@GMAIL.COM for all of the information. The info will be sent out the day of the show. Here is the flyer...

The morning after the loading dock rager in Seattle. We will be getting on a plane and flying up to Alaska. Garrett checked the forecast for the day we fly into Alaska. It says a high of 6 and low of 0. I have never experienced that kind of weather. This is going to be a mind fuck. If you live in Alaska I hope to meet you and rage. Show us everything possible. Here is the flyer for the gigs in Alaska... Hope to see you there...

I'll be back on this blog soon. Hope all is well.
We are playing Reno, NV tonight with our friends in GRACE ALLEY. It's a basement show and we haven't been to Reno in a long time so we are hyped on tonight. We are heading up north right after the show. Portland is tomorrow. We have a day off after Portland then on Wednesday the day before we fly up to Alaska we will be playing a FREE SHOW in DOWNTOWN SEATTLE with our friends from the area. Send an email to WINNERSCIRCLESEATTLE@GMAIL.COM for all of the information. The info will be sent out the day of the show. Here is the flyer...

The morning after the loading dock rager in Seattle. We will be getting on a plane and flying up to Alaska. Garrett checked the forecast for the day we fly into Alaska. It says a high of 6 and low of 0. I have never experienced that kind of weather. This is going to be a mind fuck. If you live in Alaska I hope to meet you and rage. Show us everything possible. Here is the flyer for the gigs in Alaska... Hope to see you there...

I'll be back on this blog soon. Hope all is well.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
10/30 - 11/01
Atlanta, Ga
After Nc we (Fit/AV) drove thru the night to some wild house in Atlanta. We arrived mad early so we just chilled all day. While dudes caught up on sleep,showers and shaves Kellen,Sparky,Philip and myself went to play basketball. Back at the house we loaded up and headed to the show at the Pit. As usual Atlanta always comes thru with the good gigs. Thanks to Neal and whoever put that joint on it was for sure good times. Post show was a really weird night to say the least. Shortys crying, homies cupcaking and weird Halloween parties. Atlanta = Wild Times
Jacksonville, FL
This show was a big surprise. It had to be over by 8pm and it was on Halloween. With those two factors we had pretty low expectations. Once things got going the gig turned out to be a banger. Florida no joke is a ill spot to play shows. I reminds me of California in the since that you can play mad shows in the state. Post show we headed to catch our good friends Paint it Black's parking lot gig in Gainesville at the fest. We got there in time to catch the Bouncing Souls and to get some ill dives and shit. After the Souls we ran across the street to see PIB play one song of fucking chaos. The dudes made it thru one joint before the cops fell thru on horses stopping the dives off of uhuals and the all out party going down in the streets. After a hour or so of parking lot pimpin with PIB we went to play this warehouse gig up the street. I guess the 60 people or so there were all misinformed beacuse there was no key to the door or PA so we dipped back to the Holiday Inn. We needed gas so we hit the local Kangaroo. The people in the store were buggin so hard on getting robbed it was fucking crazy. I walked in with a hoodie up and they bugged out. Kellen being drunk and at this point out of his mind fell thru with a ill pumpkin head on. The dude bugged out and accused us of attempted robbery. So I had to chill and talk to the cops forever then at 5am we hit the waffle house.

Miami, Fl
Last night was the longest night of tour yet. The gig was hood as fuck. It was at this place 56 that had the coldest rap hall of fame airbrushed on the walls. The YG's(Young g's) were buggin on kids pitting so hard. After our set heads were asking me 20 questions on how I deal with kids being so wild. Post gig they rolled out the crazy sound system and a venue full of hardcore types turned into the coldest hood party. Shouts to all of those dudes for the gig and to the liquor store across the street for Heem (Hennessy) with ice and cups for immediate consumption.
Last night was also Kellen's birthday so we hit South Beach then Fort Lauderdale for all night wild shit. Most of which I cant speak on but I will say some dudes just fall in love. Every night..
After Nc we (Fit/AV) drove thru the night to some wild house in Atlanta. We arrived mad early so we just chilled all day. While dudes caught up on sleep,showers and shaves Kellen,Sparky,Philip and myself went to play basketball. Back at the house we loaded up and headed to the show at the Pit. As usual Atlanta always comes thru with the good gigs. Thanks to Neal and whoever put that joint on it was for sure good times. Post show was a really weird night to say the least. Shortys crying, homies cupcaking and weird Halloween parties. Atlanta = Wild Times
Jacksonville, FL
This show was a big surprise. It had to be over by 8pm and it was on Halloween. With those two factors we had pretty low expectations. Once things got going the gig turned out to be a banger. Florida no joke is a ill spot to play shows. I reminds me of California in the since that you can play mad shows in the state. Post show we headed to catch our good friends Paint it Black's parking lot gig in Gainesville at the fest. We got there in time to catch the Bouncing Souls and to get some ill dives and shit. After the Souls we ran across the street to see PIB play one song of fucking chaos. The dudes made it thru one joint before the cops fell thru on horses stopping the dives off of uhuals and the all out party going down in the streets. After a hour or so of parking lot pimpin with PIB we went to play this warehouse gig up the street. I guess the 60 people or so there were all misinformed beacuse there was no key to the door or PA so we dipped back to the Holiday Inn. We needed gas so we hit the local Kangaroo. The people in the store were buggin so hard on getting robbed it was fucking crazy. I walked in with a hoodie up and they bugged out. Kellen being drunk and at this point out of his mind fell thru with a ill pumpkin head on. The dude bugged out and accused us of attempted robbery. So I had to chill and talk to the cops forever then at 5am we hit the waffle house.
Miami, Fl
Last night was the longest night of tour yet. The gig was hood as fuck. It was at this place 56 that had the coldest rap hall of fame airbrushed on the walls. The YG's(Young g's) were buggin on kids pitting so hard. After our set heads were asking me 20 questions on how I deal with kids being so wild. Post gig they rolled out the crazy sound system and a venue full of hardcore types turned into the coldest hood party. Shouts to all of those dudes for the gig and to the liquor store across the street for Heem (Hennessy) with ice and cups for immediate consumption.
Last night was also Kellen's birthday so we hit South Beach then Fort Lauderdale for all night wild shit. Most of which I cant speak on but I will say some dudes just fall in love. Every night..
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Catching up on tour...
I was rushed out of the hotel the other day when I was trying to catch up on tour blogging. We are now in Atlanta, GA chillin before the gig tonight and we have some time so i figured I would get caught up as much as I can before we have to leave again. SOOOOOO after the show in Albany, NY we played Boston, MA at the ICC Church. KM booked the gig and it was fucking rad. He always hooks us up there. It's a good feeling to know you're going to be taken care of when you come through a city. The Boston show was the first of three shows we did with NEW LOWS. I'm hyped they did those shows with us cause they fucking rip. They played some new songs and they were fucking heavy. If you are sleeping on NEW LOWS you need to wake up. We decided to play on the floor at the church and it was cool. I'm glad we did that. Here are some pictures from the gig. Check them out..

After Boston we made our way to Long Island, NY. We hadn't played LI in about a year so I was super stoked on getting back there. It was also our friend Hernik's birthday show and I'm always down to rage a friends birthday show. The show was also in a backyard in about 40 degree freezing weather. Kids had to slam around to stay warm. It was a gnarly gig. We showed up super late and missed SHORT END and BACKTRACK which bummed me the fuck out cause I need to see those bands. Good LI dudes making good hard LI jams. Get with it. This backyard show went by pretty fast. The cops came and told us we had to hurry up so we jammed through it as quick as we can. Here is a video of the set. Check it out for yourself....
Edison, New Jersey was up next. It was our roady NICK FIT'S and our good friend ALAN'S birthday show. The line up was fucking rad. it was BAD SEED/ALPHA & OMEGA/NEW LOWS/SPANISH BOMBS/WAR HUNGRY/CRUEL HAND/TRASH TALK. You have to set up an ill line up for fit's bday show. Every band fucking killed it. The show was raging. We decided to play on the floor again cause doing stuff like that is rad. It was by far our craziest NJ show yet. Kids were diving off of anything and everything. Here are some photos check it out...

Baltimore, MD the next day was fucking rad. The show was at CCAS which is a super small art space. Everyone packed in. People were bleeding. I was bleeding. I tried to rip down the ceiling but it didn't work out in my favor. Instead my hands are just bashed up now. Bracewar played the gig and I haven't seen them in awhile so it was cool to see them gig and just hang out. The show went by pretty quick and I don't remember much from that night so who knows. After the show we made the drive down to Richmond, VA where our drummer Rashod lives. If there is one thing I know it is that going home for a few hours in the middle of a long tour is a straight tease. It fucking sucks. Go sleep in your bed for about 5 hours of great sleep then get back into hell mode. I don't like doing that but rashod loves it so who knows. The show in Richmond was cool. A bunch of homies came out to hang. It was nice seeing some people I haven't seen in awhile. Shout outs to Trapped Under Ice. Naysayer played the RVA gig and they are one of the hardest new bands out. My boy gary sings for that band. Solid dude/solid jams. Check them out. You will not regret it. After richmond we played Johnson City, TN. We played JC on our last u.s. tour with Cold World/Iron Age and it was raging so we were all super eager to get back there. Johnson City did not dissapoint. It's close to halloween so people were dressed up moshing around. Here is a picture of a flying twink from that show. Check it...

After JC was north carolina. We hadn't been to NC in over a year. The last time we were there was with the Mongoloids/Cruel Hand we played this ill skatepark with a plywood stage/barbwire fence surrounding the stage. It looked like a scene straight out of a biohazard video. The venue wasn't as cool this time around but the show was way better. Kids from all over NC/SC came out. A&O killed it. We have been on tour with them for a few weeks now and watching them never gets old. I love that band. That's all for now. I am caught up on the blog ! I won't fall behind this time I promise. We are heading out of the house right now to go play tonights gig in atlanta. If you live in the area you should be there. FC 5 is playing and they came from a long ways away so you should come support them. Shout outs to Daiki. See you all soon.
Heres the flyer for tonight... Be there..


After Boston we made our way to Long Island, NY. We hadn't played LI in about a year so I was super stoked on getting back there. It was also our friend Hernik's birthday show and I'm always down to rage a friends birthday show. The show was also in a backyard in about 40 degree freezing weather. Kids had to slam around to stay warm. It was a gnarly gig. We showed up super late and missed SHORT END and BACKTRACK which bummed me the fuck out cause I need to see those bands. Good LI dudes making good hard LI jams. Get with it. This backyard show went by pretty fast. The cops came and told us we had to hurry up so we jammed through it as quick as we can. Here is a video of the set. Check it out for yourself....
Edison, New Jersey was up next. It was our roady NICK FIT'S and our good friend ALAN'S birthday show. The line up was fucking rad. it was BAD SEED/ALPHA & OMEGA/NEW LOWS/SPANISH BOMBS/WAR HUNGRY/CRUEL HAND/TRASH TALK. You have to set up an ill line up for fit's bday show. Every band fucking killed it. The show was raging. We decided to play on the floor again cause doing stuff like that is rad. It was by far our craziest NJ show yet. Kids were diving off of anything and everything. Here are some photos check it out...

Baltimore, MD the next day was fucking rad. The show was at CCAS which is a super small art space. Everyone packed in. People were bleeding. I was bleeding. I tried to rip down the ceiling but it didn't work out in my favor. Instead my hands are just bashed up now. Bracewar played the gig and I haven't seen them in awhile so it was cool to see them gig and just hang out. The show went by pretty quick and I don't remember much from that night so who knows. After the show we made the drive down to Richmond, VA where our drummer Rashod lives. If there is one thing I know it is that going home for a few hours in the middle of a long tour is a straight tease. It fucking sucks. Go sleep in your bed for about 5 hours of great sleep then get back into hell mode. I don't like doing that but rashod loves it so who knows. The show in Richmond was cool. A bunch of homies came out to hang. It was nice seeing some people I haven't seen in awhile. Shout outs to Trapped Under Ice. Naysayer played the RVA gig and they are one of the hardest new bands out. My boy gary sings for that band. Solid dude/solid jams. Check them out. You will not regret it. After richmond we played Johnson City, TN. We played JC on our last u.s. tour with Cold World/Iron Age and it was raging so we were all super eager to get back there. Johnson City did not dissapoint. It's close to halloween so people were dressed up moshing around. Here is a picture of a flying twink from that show. Check it...

After JC was north carolina. We hadn't been to NC in over a year. The last time we were there was with the Mongoloids/Cruel Hand we played this ill skatepark with a plywood stage/barbwire fence surrounding the stage. It looked like a scene straight out of a biohazard video. The venue wasn't as cool this time around but the show was way better. Kids from all over NC/SC came out. A&O killed it. We have been on tour with them for a few weeks now and watching them never gets old. I love that band. That's all for now. I am caught up on the blog ! I won't fall behind this time I promise. We are heading out of the house right now to go play tonights gig in atlanta. If you live in the area you should be there. FC 5 is playing and they came from a long ways away so you should come support them. Shout outs to Daiki. See you all soon.
Heres the flyer for tonight... Be there..

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
We are slackers
We have been slackin on the blog. A lot has happened since that last gig in Peoria, IL. The day after Peoria we played Bloomington, IN in a basement. The gig was going wild. Tons of kids packed in a basement raging. Then out of nowhere I was looking through people and it looked like someone had a super soaker and they were spraying everyone in the back of this basement. I was wrong. What actually happened was a main water pipe in this basement broke. Within 2 minutes we were all ankle deep in water. The basement started flooding fast. Kids were taking off their shirts trying to wrap up this pipe to stop it from spraying everywhere but it wasn't working out for them. We eventually stopped and asked the owner of the house if we should keep playing because by this time the water was getting deep. The owner of the house replied with something along the lines of "fuck yeah man tear it up" haha so we kept giggin. We got through maybe one more song before all of the power in this house went out. 100 people crammed in a flooding basement with no lights or power. Complete chaos. I think some wild dude started slapping people in the dark the second the power went out which is a really wild fucking style. Dark slapping is some epic shit. Luckily all the kids from the show helped us get our gear up and out of the basement before anything was ruined. After the basement show we bought some weed off of a wild dude who lived next door. He invited us over to join him on his 67845239412 foot glass bong. It was epic to say the least. The next day we played Cleveland, OH. A bunch of our friends came out to hang so it was rad to see all of them. The gig was gnarly too. We played on the floor at Now That's Class. Kids packed in and yelled at me. I yelled back. After the Cleveland show we had a 8 hour drive to New York. Our road dog Nick Fit held it down once again on that drive. We arrived in Brooklyn, NY around 9 in the morning. We went straight to our friend Alan's house. He put us up for the night. We had a bunch of errands to run that day in New York to get ready for our wild 3 shows in 1 day adventure. We scrambled around the city all day then finally made it to the 1st of the three giggers in NYC that night. The first show was at Club Europa in Brooklyn. Black Anvil played and they ripped. That band rules so you should check them out if you get a chance. Alpha & Omega ripped it after them. We have been on tour with A&O for a few weeks now and watching them never gets old. We played after A&O. I sang on the floor because the stage at Club Europa is about 10 feet tall and pretty awkward. The gig was rad. There weren't many people there but the ones who did come out were raging with me. I broke some bottles on the floor and stomped around in glass for a few songs. After the show I answered some questions for Rolling Stone Magazine. I thought that was a pretty weird/cool thing. Who knows. Right when the Club Europa show was over we had about 30 minutes to make it to the 2nd show of the night at the 538 Johnson Loft in Brooklyn. We loaded up fast and jammed over there. We loaded in our gear as fast as we can and gigged the gig. My friend George from the bay area was at the show. It was rad to see him. He is in New York causing mischief. I'm glad he found time in his chaotic night to come chill with us. The 538 show was rad. A bunch of kids from the Club Europa show jammed over to this show which was rad. A few kids went to all three of the shows that night which is next level rad. The 538 show was a Fundraiser show for the show space. They do a lot for that area so I figured it would be rad to try to help them out too. After the 538 show we had ANOTHER quick gear loading party. Once the van was all set we made our way over to the final show of the night at Fontana's in New York City. This last show was by far the wildest gigger of the night. The place was sold out. Our friend Derek put on the gig. It was a CMJ Showcase show which was pretty cool to be apart of. Akimbo played first and I feel like I got high just watching them. They shredded the place. We were up after them. I don't think half of the people at this place knew what to expect from us. We went straight into it hard. Kids were diving all over random show goers. Peoples beers were being knocked out of their hands by tons of slamming punkers. It was sick. I love playing these kind of shows. The kind of shows where you take tons of people completely off guard. It's like they don't know what hit them and they just stand there with their jaw dropped. We broke a bunch of shit and got through the set. After us The Bronx got up and ripped the place apart. The Bronx frontman is a wild dude on and off stage. I love it. He had some ill stage moves that were wild. He was on top of people more than he was on the floor. I can respect that. They sounded on point too. All in all the gig was fucking sick. After the show we loaded up the van AGAIN and made our way back to our friend Alan's house. We probably should have went to sleep but instead we went and bought some forties. That's the beauty of NYC. They don't stop selling beer ever. I got really drunk and passed out somewhere in Alan's house. I woke up with a bleeding head and a pounding headache. It was 100% worth it. We pulled off 3 shows in 1 day which is something I have always wanted to do. The next show was in Albany, NY. We have never been upstate before so I didn't know what to expect. We were welcomed with open arms. It was rad. They have a good thing going on up there. Everyone seems genuinely stoked on punk/hardcore. Our friend Bob Shedd came out to hang. He lives up there now and I didn't even know it so it was a pleasant surprise when he came out of nowhere. I did a audio interview that night for a webzine. Check it out here: http://bystanderfanzine.com/content/
We are in a hotel RIGHT NOW in Tennessee and they are kicking us out because check out was awhile ago. I'll be back on here later tonight to finish this story. Boston, MA/
Dix Hills, NY/Edison, NJ/Baltimore, MD/Richmond, VA and Johnson City, Tn were all insane so I have some wild shit to type out tonight. For now go listen to that Audio Interview. You probably can't understand much of what I am saying because I mumble too much but whatever it works. Hope all is well. See you soon.
We are in a hotel RIGHT NOW in Tennessee and they are kicking us out because check out was awhile ago. I'll be back on here later tonight to finish this story. Boston, MA/
Dix Hills, NY/Edison, NJ/Baltimore, MD/Richmond, VA and Johnson City, Tn were all insane so I have some wild shit to type out tonight. For now go listen to that Audio Interview. You probably can't understand much of what I am saying because I mumble too much but whatever it works. Hope all is well. See you soon.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Sr. Harm S. Way
One week has gone by since we left for our tour with Alpha and Omega. Though its only been 7 days I can tell early on that this is going to be a dope tour. San Diego was a fucking mess but with the help of Andy(ETID convict looking guitarist) we were able to play 5 songs. If you haven't seen Trash Talk before that means eh something like 4 minutes or less. Thanks to all the kids that came out to the Soma and set it off for all of the bands despite of our technical difficulties. Fresno was the shit. Back on the scene with a new guitar the show was awesome. Peace to Chris and all of the kids that came out. After Fresno was Sacramento. The show was booked at a venue called the Boardwalk. Being from Sacramento we have always had a hate/hate relationship with that place. We played there for the first time a while back with Bane and Outbreak and the show was dope. We all had a good time but the management was so bummed on how the venue got "Trashed" and Lee constantly jumping off of the stage. So after our set Tuesday Lee was not to be let back in the venue therefore banning Trash Talk from the only venue left in Sacramento. How is that for a hometown. Tuesday also marked the last day that we would be hitting the stage with Every Time I Die. If you haven't gotten into it doit. I cant think of another band that goes so wild and sounds that on point every second of their set. Thanks to all of those dudes Biggie,Zack,Andy,Keith,Jordan,Josh,Mike for letting us do our thing.
After Sac we had a 18 hour drive to Denver. Our guy Memphis had the ill Punk house on deck. The show was in a garage and was fucking wild as shit. Hands down the best Denver show we have played. After that was Lincoln Nebraska. We were playing a place called the Box Awesome but the show was moved to a house at the last minute and I'm so glad it did. We got there and walked down some grime staircase to this ill basement full of kids going nuts soaked with sweat and beer. Our dude Hector set up the tattoo booth and broke some kids off with tattoos in the living room. Hes cheap and good and the homie so if ur planing on coming to a gig fuck with him.
Our next gig was Colombia Missouri. We got there mad early beacuse we had to shoot some photos for this press thing which turned into us drinking 40's and smoking blunts for a few hours till show time. The show was off the hook and mad kids rolled out from everywhere. Out dude Devastator fell thru with the blunts as usual and shit got loose.
After the show we went to our dude Gabe's tattoo shop for more beer pizza and tattoos.
If you are ever in Colombia stop by Hollywood Rebels Tattoos.
This brings me to last night. I don't really have shit to say but HARMS WAY.
My dude is not to be fucked with no joke. Click this link with caution Peace to Peoria for the dopest show of the tour so far and the Nacho's for holding it down on the jams. Post show pizza,beer and apparently me being drunk and reckless has my headache game so on point..
Thanks guys..
After Sac we had a 18 hour drive to Denver. Our guy Memphis had the ill Punk house on deck. The show was in a garage and was fucking wild as shit. Hands down the best Denver show we have played. After that was Lincoln Nebraska. We were playing a place called the Box Awesome but the show was moved to a house at the last minute and I'm so glad it did. We got there and walked down some grime staircase to this ill basement full of kids going nuts soaked with sweat and beer. Our dude Hector set up the tattoo booth and broke some kids off with tattoos in the living room. Hes cheap and good and the homie so if ur planing on coming to a gig fuck with him.
Our next gig was Colombia Missouri. We got there mad early beacuse we had to shoot some photos for this press thing which turned into us drinking 40's and smoking blunts for a few hours till show time. The show was off the hook and mad kids rolled out from everywhere. Out dude Devastator fell thru with the blunts as usual and shit got loose.
After the show we went to our dude Gabe's tattoo shop for more beer pizza and tattoos.
If you are ever in Colombia stop by Hollywood Rebels Tattoos.
This brings me to last night. I don't really have shit to say but HARMS WAY.
My dude is not to be fucked with no joke. Click this link with caution Peace to Peoria for the dopest show of the tour so far and the Nacho's for holding it down on the jams. Post show pizza,beer and apparently me being drunk and reckless has my headache game so on point..
Thanks guys..
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
And so it begins...
We are all sitting at our friend Joe Harders house in Reseda, CA about to set off on yet another wild adventure. 36 shows in 34 days not including radio sets and whatever else comes up out of nowhere. We have been crazy busy as of late so this blog hasn't been getting the attention it deserves but with the start of this tour that will all change. Wild blog posts coming soon. We just finished up a European tour with Paint It Black about 2 weeks ago and it was gnarly. Good times all around. I can't wait to get back to Europe. Paint It Black kills. Get with it. Our bass player Spencer is not going to be able to come out on tour with us this time around cause he has some shit he needs to handle on the home front. Our good friend Kellen will be filling in on Bass duties for the month. Say what's up to him. All of the backed up merch orders from our webstore have been sent out. We are all really sorry for the delay on that shit but we have been swamped with tons of shit lately so thanks for your patience. We now have someone who is going to be handling all of our web store orders while we are out on the road. Everyone who ordered something got a note with a coupon for 15% off on your next order in the TT web store. You should all be seeing your packages any day now. We will also be dropping some CRAZY new web store shit within the next few weeks. Shirts/Zines/Tapes/Records etc.. so keep an eye out for all of that shit. That's all for now. The first show of this Fall U.S. tour is tonight in San Diego with Every Time I Die. Hopefully we will see you all there...
October 12th - San Diego, CA @ Soma
October 13th - Fresno, CA @ The Exit
October 14th - Sacramento, CA @ The Boardwalk
October 15th - Denver, CO @ Rock And Roll Grill
October 16th - Lincoln, NE @ Box Awesome
October 17th - Columbia, MO @ Sapphire Lounge
October 18th - Peoria, IL @ The Meeting House
October 19th - Bloomington, IN @ The 300 House
October 20th - Cleveland, OH @ Now That's Class
October 21st - Brooklyn, NY @ Club Europa(6:00 PM CMJ SHOW)
October 21st - Brooklyn, NY @ 538 Johnson(9:30 PM SHOW 538 FUNDRAISER SHOW)
October 21st - New York City, NY @ Fontana's(10:30 PM CMJ SHOW)(no A&O on this gig)
October 22nd - Latham, NY @ The Landing Zone
October 23rd - Boston, MA @ ICC Church
October 24th - Dix Hills, NY @ The Doghouse
October 25th - Edison, NJ @ Stelton Baptist Church
October 26th - Baltimore, MD @ Charm City Artspace
October 27th - Richmond, VA @ Alley Katz
October 28th - Johnson City, TN @ The Hideaway
October 29th - Raleigh, NC @ The Brewery
October 30th - Atlanta, GA @ The Shop
October 31st - Jacksonville, FL @ The Pit
November 1st - Miami, FL @ The Dogpound
November 2nd - Tampa, FL @ Transitions
November 3rd - Mobile, AL @ American Legion Post 33
November 4th - Tupelo, MS @ Lifes Blood Skateshop
November 5th - Memphis, TN @ The Smith Seven House
November 6th - Tulsa, OK @ The Pinkeye
November 7th - Dallas, TX @ TBA
November 8th - Austin, TX @ FUN FUN FUN FEST (no A&O on this date)
November 9th - Austin, TX @ FUN FUN FUN FEST (no A&O on this date)
November 10th - Phoenix, AZ @ The Phix
November 11th - San Diego, CA @ Che Cafe
November 12th - Riverside, CA @ The Paroahs Den
November 13th - Santa Barbara, CA @ Casa De Raza
November 14th - Berkeley, CA @ 924 Gilman

October 12th - San Diego, CA @ Soma
October 13th - Fresno, CA @ The Exit
October 14th - Sacramento, CA @ The Boardwalk
October 15th - Denver, CO @ Rock And Roll Grill
October 16th - Lincoln, NE @ Box Awesome
October 17th - Columbia, MO @ Sapphire Lounge
October 18th - Peoria, IL @ The Meeting House
October 19th - Bloomington, IN @ The 300 House
October 20th - Cleveland, OH @ Now That's Class
October 21st - Brooklyn, NY @ Club Europa(6:00 PM CMJ SHOW)
October 21st - Brooklyn, NY @ 538 Johnson(9:30 PM SHOW 538 FUNDRAISER SHOW)
October 21st - New York City, NY @ Fontana's(10:30 PM CMJ SHOW)(no A&O on this gig)
October 22nd - Latham, NY @ The Landing Zone
October 23rd - Boston, MA @ ICC Church
October 24th - Dix Hills, NY @ The Doghouse
October 25th - Edison, NJ @ Stelton Baptist Church
October 26th - Baltimore, MD @ Charm City Artspace
October 27th - Richmond, VA @ Alley Katz
October 28th - Johnson City, TN @ The Hideaway
October 29th - Raleigh, NC @ The Brewery
October 30th - Atlanta, GA @ The Shop
October 31st - Jacksonville, FL @ The Pit
November 1st - Miami, FL @ The Dogpound
November 2nd - Tampa, FL @ Transitions
November 3rd - Mobile, AL @ American Legion Post 33
November 4th - Tupelo, MS @ Lifes Blood Skateshop
November 5th - Memphis, TN @ The Smith Seven House
November 6th - Tulsa, OK @ The Pinkeye
November 7th - Dallas, TX @ TBA
November 8th - Austin, TX @ FUN FUN FUN FEST (no A&O on this date)
November 9th - Austin, TX @ FUN FUN FUN FEST (no A&O on this date)
November 10th - Phoenix, AZ @ The Phix
November 11th - San Diego, CA @ Che Cafe
November 12th - Riverside, CA @ The Paroahs Den
November 13th - Santa Barbara, CA @ Casa De Raza
November 14th - Berkeley, CA @ 924 Gilman

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Off to Europe...
It's 12:40 AM and I'm sitting in my house in Sacramento, CA. My bag is packed and I'm ready to head over and start giggin euro land again. Being home for a few weeks has been pretty refreshing but getting back out on the road is just as refreshing. I have to meet up with Garrett at the Sacramento International Airport at 4:30 AM to get everything checked in and squared away. We all have some pretty neat flight schedules. I'll be flying out at 6:00 AM and heading up to Portland, OR. Garrett is going from Sacramento to Texas. From Portland I will be flying and meeting Garrett in Texas for our final flight out to Amsterdam. Unfortunately Spencer won't be able to make it with us on this trip. Our good friend Jared from RVA will be filling in on the bass strings. Jared and Rashod will be flying out of Richmond, VA at around 1 PM. I'm not exactly sure where they are flying to before finally landing in Amsterdam but I'm sure it's just as wild as our flight adventure. The plan is to all meet up in Amsterdam on Friday(the day of the first gig). Europe was gnarly last time. I'm really looking forward to the bizarre shit that is going to go down this time. Seeing Paint It Black every night is going to be killer too. They are all rad dudes to hang/party with. A lot of good people were involved in setting this whole tour up so it should be wild. I'm going to be keeping this blog updated while we are over there. I know I said I would do that last time but I fucked up. If you live in Europe you should come out to these gigs and hang with us. If you live in America we will be posting our Fall U.S. tour dates within the next few days so keep your eyes open for that. I'm going to go try and catch some sleep before all of this madness happens. We will be seeing all of you very soon. Be safe.


Monday, September 1, 2008
CALIFORNIA WEEKEND 8/29, 8/30, 8/31....
This weekend was a wild one. I don't really know what happened but it worked. I'm writing this from my house in Sacramento. The city of trees is starting to turn brown and the leaves are all dying off. I'm only 20 years old but I feel like I've seen more than a person my age probably should. I look/feel like I just got into 10 gnarly fist fights and now I am recovering. It's weekends like this past one that make me remember why touring 9 months out of the year and basically throwing any form of a real life out of the window is more than worth it. We had 3 California shows(Ontario/LA/Berkeley) lined up for the weekend. Our friend Sean Carlson asked us to play the Fucked Up show at Gilman Sunday and he also helps put together LA's F Yeah Fest(http://www.fyeahfest.com/) so he put us on both of those and thats how this weekend came about. We needed a show on Friday to fill out the string of dates we had. After talking to a few local southern california bands we were scheduled to play The Granada Theatre in Ontario on Friday. This whole adventure all started on Wednesday though. We were supposed to be in La on Wednesday to practice with our friend Derek who filled in on drums for us this weekend. Our guitar player Garrett was coming down from Seattle so we could all meet up and head down to play the shows we had lined up. He didn't end up getting into Sacramento till around thursday evening. Right when Garrett got into Sacramento he came and picked me up and we were off. We had to make a small detour over to San Francisco to pick up our friend Jason T who was going to be road dogging for the weekend. After that we made our way down to Bakersfield to pick up our bass player Spencer. we caught word that the Negative Approach/Melvins show at The Glasshouse on Friday in Pomona was cancelled because The Melvins dropped off. Since they dropped off Negative Approach was rescheduled to play the Pomona Elks Lodge instead. We hit up Sean to see if there was anyway we could play the gigger since we were going to be playing in Ontario that night(ontario is about 10 minutes from pomona). Sean/F Yeah Fest put on the show so they made it happen and now we were scheduled to play at 7:00pm in Ontario and 8:00pm in Pomona. The weekend was turning out to be crazy. NEGATIVE APPROACH IN A FUCKING ELKS LODGE. That's not something that happens too often.We ended up getting to Spencer's house around 2 am. By this time we were running next level late. We should have been in LA a lot earlier to practice with Derek who had never played with us before. We got to Joe Harder/Maine Mikes house in Reseda around 4 am. We always stay at that house when we come down to Southern California. Garrett and I used to live there last summer so it's always good times when we go back. We all passed the fuck out the second we stepped foot in the house. We woke up bright and early so we could head over to the studio to practice with Derek. We were lucky enough to have Derek on the team for the weekend he nailed all the songs first try. He plays in a band called Violation they just released a new record on 1917 Records check it out. Anyways 2 hours of practice 4 hours before 2 gigs in one night. I was tired as fuck and we hadn't eaten anything. Spencer and I drank a few beers but that was it. I was feeling like complete shit. We packed everything up at practice and made our way down to Ontario for the first gig. The traffic was dead stopped for about 2 hours or some shit. It was an LA freeway nightmare. We ended up making it to the Ontario show 15 minutes before we were supposed to play. We loaded in our gear and hit the stage right away. The venue was pretty packed. The place is cool it's this old looking movie theatre type spot where they take rows of chairs out and you play on the stage. I guess all the bands so far had been playing on the floor but the stage looked ill so we wanted to try it out. From the first note to the last note it was insane. It felt good to be back in California. Tons of friends were in the house it was rad. People were flying everywhere off of everything. Right after the first block of songs I had to sprint for the back door and throw up really quick. I made it as quick as possible and got back to the stage. No food/long days/a few beers and gigs don't mix too well. I'm pretty sure all of Garrett's shit got stomped out every song from people on stage. I'm not sure if this place has had to many shows or not. The people running the place didn't really know what to do about people on stage/diving. They were cool about it though. They just stood in the middle of the stage for most of the set. Destroy everything mode was in full effect. Right after we finished we packed up our gear and made our way over to the Pomona Elks Lodge for the 2nd gig. I wish we could have caught Rotting Out at the Ontario show but oh well it's NEGATIVE APPROACH. We got to the Pomona Elks Lodge right when we were supposed to play. We immediately loaded our shit in and on to the stage. It sucks that we didn't make it in time for Bad Reaction. I saw them at Gilman once and they killed. Some people from the Ontario show caught word of the Negative Approach show and jetted over from The Granada Theatre. The 2nd set was cool. It was a diverse crowd. Young and old it was a good night all together. I was dead fucking tired from the first show. Rolling around and gasping for air. We got through it. I had a great time and met up with some old friends that I hadn't seen in awhile. A few of the Paint It Black dudes made it out for our set it was good to see those dudes and talk for a little while. Tippers Gore and Broken Needle both played after us and they both killed it. Southern California has a lot of rad bands that you might not have heard of. Check both of them out if you haven't already. Everyone in the building was waiting for NA to hit the stage(if you want to call it that? it was about a foot off of the ground). They set up and people started to pack up front. Right when they kicked into the first song you knew it was going to be wild. They sounded better than ever. John Brannons voice sounded fucking vicious. It was cool to see them play in such a small spot. Everyone in the building was losing their minds. It was almost as if no one could believe NA was actually playing a fucking elks lodge in Pomona, CA. It was rad to be apart of such a good show. Everyone was there for the right reasons. There was no problems. A crazy diverse crowd all going nuts to the classics. Here are some pictures from that gig check it out: http://ishotphotography.com/concerts/negativeapproach/index.html#1
After the gig we went and got some food at In N Out. Animal style fries you know what's up. We stayed at our friend Andy Russians that night he is a gnarly dude. Always a good host. If you ever meet Andy ask him if you can take a look in his drug bag. It will blow your mind. He is THE drug lord from Russia. One of the most insane people I know in a good way. We smoked too much and passed out. Woke up early hit the indian buffet/drank some whiskey and made our way out to Pasadena to pick up Garrett's friend Kellen. It's always good to see Kel cause it barely ever happens. Hardcore/Punk isn't really his thing but he enjoys gigs/music. Solid dude through and through. We pulled up on Sunset in LA around 3 pm. F Yeah Fest was already in full swing. There were people everywhere in the streets. We loaded in our heads/merch and walked around this wild fest for awhile. Jared from Paint It Black gave us the low down on drink tickets and where to use what. Paint It Black played right before us and they killed it. Dan Yemin is one of the best frontmen out today. He always has something thoughtful to say. I'm more than siked to be spending a few weeks with those guys in Europe. Right when Paint It Black finished we took the stage. I didn't know how it was going to be. We didn't seem to fit too well into the line up. We kicked into the first song and it went nuts. The venue did not expect what was happening to happen. Kids diving off of everything/singing along/slammin around. Stage Managers were shovin kids off the stage when they got up to use their throats. I saw groups of people running and hiding. Towards the end of our set some security guards and cops came in to try to stop what was going on I guess? My friend tried to get into the building when we were playing and he told me there was a security guard at the door not letting people in. The security guard said something along the lines of "NO ONE IS GETTING IN HERE RIGHT NOW WE ARE TRYING TO MEDIATE THE PROBLEM". I think the venue was shutting us down while we were on stage and slowly turning all the power off on stage. All the stage managers were freaking out after we finished playing saying the show is over upstairs and all this shit but it got worked out and the gig kept going. It was cool to play to so many different kinds of people. It was gnarly. Fucked Up played about an hour after us in the downstairs part of the venue. They sounded great. They played a good mix of songs old and new. The crowd was feeling it. The stage banter was at an all time high. They just wanted to meet some celebs. If you know of any celebs that might be into meeting Fucked Up you should probably contact them. NA took the stage after Fucked Up and killed it. They played Evacuate. People were going insane it looked crazy. I had this wristband thing so I could go wherever in the venue. It worked out perfect to get some ill dives in for NA. The barrier made the dives more fun and so did the camera people standing in the barrier. Jump high and far. Clear the barrier and get over the cameras. Paint It Black/Fucked Up/Negative Approach were the only bands I really wanted to see but I caught some other wild sets. Crystal Antlers killed. I didn't know what to expect because I had never heard them before but it was very entertaining. We were hangin/talking with their percussion dude before they played. Solid dude with the disneyland hook up. Check them out. No Age played last downstairs and they covered GG and The Misfits. They also threw out 78495032473598 ping pong balls. There were also a million people dancing around it was a cool sight to see. Monotonix played last in the upstairs room. It was insane. The band ended up on top of the crowd with all of their instruments still playing. Drums and all they were floating around on top of people still shredding. They ended up in the middle of Sunset playing. THEY WERE ON TOP OF THE CROWD STILL PLAYING WITH ALL OF THEIR GEAR AND THEN THEY SURFED THEIR WAY OUT THE DOOR ON TO THE MAIN STREET AND FINISHED OUT THERE? It was ill. Some random dude was painting on the billboard across the street while Monotonix was playing in the street. He was doing huge hollows. I guess he was smart enough to realize no one was going to be looking up at the billboard while there was a band in the middle of sunset going nuts with hella people dancing around them. Big ups to Sean Carlson/Keith Morris for putting together such a rad diverse fest and making it work. After the fest we went back to Joe and Mikes house and passed the fuck out. By this time we had played 3 sets in less than 24 hours. Sleep was more than needed. We woke up early and picked up Derek off of the freeway on our way to Berkeley for the last show of the weekend. We hadn't played the bay area since Allegiance's last show earlier this year. We got to Gilman around 6 pm. The show was a matinee show. All shows at Gilman on a sunday are matinees. On the ride to the gig we got a text from the promoter saying that the bus fucked up/the strange boys/crystal antlers were on was running late so right when we get there we will need to play. We set up on the floor instead of the stage. The first time we ever played Gilman was a Sunday Matinee show and we set up on the floor then so we figured why not do it again. Tons of my friends that I haven't seen for awhile came out. The north bay was in full effect. RIP Life Long Tragedy/Steel Trap. Our set was rad. Playing on the floor was ill kids packed up close. I could barely get any words into the mic without it getting ripped out of my hand. Playing Gilman is always a good time. Garretts guitar sounded crazy heavy during the set for some reason. I was into it. A bunch of our friends came out and missed us because they thought we were playing 2nd to last but we ended up playing 2nd. Since they missed us we played 3 songs in the middle of Fucked Up's set. You're not supposed to play Gilman twice in one month so we decided to play twice in one day. It was a disaster. Everything sounded off for some reason but it really didn't seem to matter. The people who were into were into it. The people who weren't into it weren't into it. I dove off of the stage right when we started and I end up on the floor. I got kicked in the throat right away. I look up and see some punker kicking meas hard as he can I got up and gave him two to the jaw. I don't know why seeing him kicking me made me so mad but it did. I was also a little bit drunk so maybe that added to it? I remember getting back to the stage after socking that dude and saying something along the lines of I dare you to fucking kick me while im on the floor again. Up the punks man. Right when we finished our 3 song/3 minute spazz out on stage Gilman turned on the lights as if there was something wrong? Who knows. I guess It was a clash of crowds. The lights went back off and Fucked Up finished their set. It was killer. They have a new record called "The Chemistry of Common Life" it is coming out October 9th. Pick it up I'm sure it is going to rip. After the show a bunch of random bullshit went down outside. It eventually stopped and everyone went on their ways. The weekend was over. We ended it by smoking two blunts with some kids who were nice enough to offer it up. We packed up the old yellow van and made our way to telegraph for some pizza. After that we headed back to Sacramento. My friend Carl needed a ride back to Sacramento. We told him he could have a ride if he drove the van. He was down but I'm not sure if that was too good of an idea? I woke up a few times to him full on sleeping behind the wheel. We worked through it and eventually made it to Sacramento. This weekend was great and I'm glad we were apart of it. Playing tons of different kinds of shows to different kinds of people in such a short amount of time. Hopefully we can do it again soon. We are leaving for another European tour in about 10 days. I can't wait to get back out there. A bunch of rad people helped put this tour together and I couldn't be more siked. Right when we get back from our Euro tour with Paint It Black we will be starting a Full U.S. tour with our friends in Alpha And Omega. The US tour is pretty much finished and ready to go I'm just waiting on some addresses for a few venues. Those dates will all be posted very soon. I don't really know what else to type. If you made it this far my hats off to you. Go start a band/write some songs/record a demo/book a tour and pile in a van with some of your best friends. You won't regret it. We will be seeing all of You very soon.
Live fast die young.
After the gig we went and got some food at In N Out. Animal style fries you know what's up. We stayed at our friend Andy Russians that night he is a gnarly dude. Always a good host. If you ever meet Andy ask him if you can take a look in his drug bag. It will blow your mind. He is THE drug lord from Russia. One of the most insane people I know in a good way. We smoked too much and passed out. Woke up early hit the indian buffet/drank some whiskey and made our way out to Pasadena to pick up Garrett's friend Kellen. It's always good to see Kel cause it barely ever happens. Hardcore/Punk isn't really his thing but he enjoys gigs/music. Solid dude through and through. We pulled up on Sunset in LA around 3 pm. F Yeah Fest was already in full swing. There were people everywhere in the streets. We loaded in our heads/merch and walked around this wild fest for awhile. Jared from Paint It Black gave us the low down on drink tickets and where to use what. Paint It Black played right before us and they killed it. Dan Yemin is one of the best frontmen out today. He always has something thoughtful to say. I'm more than siked to be spending a few weeks with those guys in Europe. Right when Paint It Black finished we took the stage. I didn't know how it was going to be. We didn't seem to fit too well into the line up. We kicked into the first song and it went nuts. The venue did not expect what was happening to happen. Kids diving off of everything/singing along/slammin around. Stage Managers were shovin kids off the stage when they got up to use their throats. I saw groups of people running and hiding. Towards the end of our set some security guards and cops came in to try to stop what was going on I guess? My friend tried to get into the building when we were playing and he told me there was a security guard at the door not letting people in. The security guard said something along the lines of "NO ONE IS GETTING IN HERE RIGHT NOW WE ARE TRYING TO MEDIATE THE PROBLEM". I think the venue was shutting us down while we were on stage and slowly turning all the power off on stage. All the stage managers were freaking out after we finished playing saying the show is over upstairs and all this shit but it got worked out and the gig kept going. It was cool to play to so many different kinds of people. It was gnarly. Fucked Up played about an hour after us in the downstairs part of the venue. They sounded great. They played a good mix of songs old and new. The crowd was feeling it. The stage banter was at an all time high. They just wanted to meet some celebs. If you know of any celebs that might be into meeting Fucked Up you should probably contact them. NA took the stage after Fucked Up and killed it. They played Evacuate. People were going insane it looked crazy. I had this wristband thing so I could go wherever in the venue. It worked out perfect to get some ill dives in for NA. The barrier made the dives more fun and so did the camera people standing in the barrier. Jump high and far. Clear the barrier and get over the cameras. Paint It Black/Fucked Up/Negative Approach were the only bands I really wanted to see but I caught some other wild sets. Crystal Antlers killed. I didn't know what to expect because I had never heard them before but it was very entertaining. We were hangin/talking with their percussion dude before they played. Solid dude with the disneyland hook up. Check them out. No Age played last downstairs and they covered GG and The Misfits. They also threw out 78495032473598 ping pong balls. There were also a million people dancing around it was a cool sight to see. Monotonix played last in the upstairs room. It was insane. The band ended up on top of the crowd with all of their instruments still playing. Drums and all they were floating around on top of people still shredding. They ended up in the middle of Sunset playing. THEY WERE ON TOP OF THE CROWD STILL PLAYING WITH ALL OF THEIR GEAR AND THEN THEY SURFED THEIR WAY OUT THE DOOR ON TO THE MAIN STREET AND FINISHED OUT THERE? It was ill. Some random dude was painting on the billboard across the street while Monotonix was playing in the street. He was doing huge hollows. I guess he was smart enough to realize no one was going to be looking up at the billboard while there was a band in the middle of sunset going nuts with hella people dancing around them. Big ups to Sean Carlson/Keith Morris for putting together such a rad diverse fest and making it work. After the fest we went back to Joe and Mikes house and passed the fuck out. By this time we had played 3 sets in less than 24 hours. Sleep was more than needed. We woke up early and picked up Derek off of the freeway on our way to Berkeley for the last show of the weekend. We hadn't played the bay area since Allegiance's last show earlier this year. We got to Gilman around 6 pm. The show was a matinee show. All shows at Gilman on a sunday are matinees. On the ride to the gig we got a text from the promoter saying that the bus fucked up/the strange boys/crystal antlers were on was running late so right when we get there we will need to play. We set up on the floor instead of the stage. The first time we ever played Gilman was a Sunday Matinee show and we set up on the floor then so we figured why not do it again. Tons of my friends that I haven't seen for awhile came out. The north bay was in full effect. RIP Life Long Tragedy/Steel Trap. Our set was rad. Playing on the floor was ill kids packed up close. I could barely get any words into the mic without it getting ripped out of my hand. Playing Gilman is always a good time. Garretts guitar sounded crazy heavy during the set for some reason. I was into it. A bunch of our friends came out and missed us because they thought we were playing 2nd to last but we ended up playing 2nd. Since they missed us we played 3 songs in the middle of Fucked Up's set. You're not supposed to play Gilman twice in one month so we decided to play twice in one day. It was a disaster. Everything sounded off for some reason but it really didn't seem to matter. The people who were into were into it. The people who weren't into it weren't into it. I dove off of the stage right when we started and I end up on the floor. I got kicked in the throat right away. I look up and see some punker kicking meas hard as he can I got up and gave him two to the jaw. I don't know why seeing him kicking me made me so mad but it did. I was also a little bit drunk so maybe that added to it? I remember getting back to the stage after socking that dude and saying something along the lines of I dare you to fucking kick me while im on the floor again. Up the punks man. Right when we finished our 3 song/3 minute spazz out on stage Gilman turned on the lights as if there was something wrong? Who knows. I guess It was a clash of crowds. The lights went back off and Fucked Up finished their set. It was killer. They have a new record called "The Chemistry of Common Life" it is coming out October 9th. Pick it up I'm sure it is going to rip. After the show a bunch of random bullshit went down outside. It eventually stopped and everyone went on their ways. The weekend was over. We ended it by smoking two blunts with some kids who were nice enough to offer it up. We packed up the old yellow van and made our way to telegraph for some pizza. After that we headed back to Sacramento. My friend Carl needed a ride back to Sacramento. We told him he could have a ride if he drove the van. He was down but I'm not sure if that was too good of an idea? I woke up a few times to him full on sleeping behind the wheel. We worked through it and eventually made it to Sacramento. This weekend was great and I'm glad we were apart of it. Playing tons of different kinds of shows to different kinds of people in such a short amount of time. Hopefully we can do it again soon. We are leaving for another European tour in about 10 days. I can't wait to get back out there. A bunch of rad people helped put this tour together and I couldn't be more siked. Right when we get back from our Euro tour with Paint It Black we will be starting a Full U.S. tour with our friends in Alpha And Omega. The US tour is pretty much finished and ready to go I'm just waiting on some addresses for a few venues. Those dates will all be posted very soon. I don't really know what else to type. If you made it this far my hats off to you. Go start a band/write some songs/record a demo/book a tour and pile in a van with some of your best friends. You won't regret it. We will be seeing all of You very soon.
Live fast die young.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
To dead the rumors..
Trash Talk Collective is a label (if you decide to call it that) funded by and only by Trash Talk.
When we decided to self release our record we honestly had no idea how much hard work goes into it. Luckily, we've had some really dope training wheels (Bob, Riley, Dave, Nicole, Vique) to help us get to where we envisioned ourselves as a band. Without those people walking us through the steps to how things are done, we would have easily failed. In addition to selling most of our belongings, I took out a pretty hefty loan in my name to cover whatever expenses we had projected for our upcoming releases. Therefore, right now my credit is fucked. So I hope this lays to rest any rumors of our record being "funded" by some magical outside source. As for publicity on our our release, we hired our friend Derek over at Solid PR to get the word out to whoever was interested, and no joke, that dude is killing it. Props to him and his team.
Revelation has played a huge part in us being able to function as band/label. They have helped us with so much from telling us better spots to press records when others were through the roof, to Josh assembling records while we were on tour on his off time at home. I could not be more hyped to have them on the team. Being that we had no way to efficiently distribute out release overseas, we were hyped when Reflections Records and Alliance Trax showed interest in what we were doing. This was the first time in our career, as a band, where we felt like we were 100% in control. Johan, Suzanne, and Daiki-- thank you for making our lives easier overseas and for the ill imports.
Some people misconstrue our views on records labels with our past experiences.
This was not my purpose. I support what I know and that's Spiderghost, Six Feet Under, Revelation, and a few others that we have built great relationships with. As said before, the "music business" is all about relationships. I don't have relationships with any of the other million labels out there, so it would be ignorant for me to speak on ALL record labels. If any labels took offense to this or anything said by me and my team, my deepest apologies go out to you. I encourage building relationships between the hardcore scene, or any scene for that matter. I also believe in free thinking and if you think that there is no way to get to your full potential alone without the help of another, you are mistaken. I will be the first to say that maybe we didn't go about things the best way and sadly, it sucks to have lost so many friends because of it. Our intent was not to shit on anybody, but merely to prove to ourselves and to the non believers that it could be done.
"Money is worthless, real power is people, real strength is in the streets where everybody's equal"- HNIC
When we decided to self release our record we honestly had no idea how much hard work goes into it. Luckily, we've had some really dope training wheels (Bob, Riley, Dave, Nicole, Vique) to help us get to where we envisioned ourselves as a band. Without those people walking us through the steps to how things are done, we would have easily failed. In addition to selling most of our belongings, I took out a pretty hefty loan in my name to cover whatever expenses we had projected for our upcoming releases. Therefore, right now my credit is fucked. So I hope this lays to rest any rumors of our record being "funded" by some magical outside source. As for publicity on our our release, we hired our friend Derek over at Solid PR to get the word out to whoever was interested, and no joke, that dude is killing it. Props to him and his team.
Revelation has played a huge part in us being able to function as band/label. They have helped us with so much from telling us better spots to press records when others were through the roof, to Josh assembling records while we were on tour on his off time at home. I could not be more hyped to have them on the team. Being that we had no way to efficiently distribute out release overseas, we were hyped when Reflections Records and Alliance Trax showed interest in what we were doing. This was the first time in our career, as a band, where we felt like we were 100% in control. Johan, Suzanne, and Daiki-- thank you for making our lives easier overseas and for the ill imports.
Some people misconstrue our views on records labels with our past experiences.
This was not my purpose. I support what I know and that's Spiderghost, Six Feet Under, Revelation, and a few others that we have built great relationships with. As said before, the "music business" is all about relationships. I don't have relationships with any of the other million labels out there, so it would be ignorant for me to speak on ALL record labels. If any labels took offense to this or anything said by me and my team, my deepest apologies go out to you. I encourage building relationships between the hardcore scene, or any scene for that matter. I also believe in free thinking and if you think that there is no way to get to your full potential alone without the help of another, you are mistaken. I will be the first to say that maybe we didn't go about things the best way and sadly, it sucks to have lost so many friends because of it. Our intent was not to shit on anybody, but merely to prove to ourselves and to the non believers that it could be done.
"Money is worthless, real power is people, real strength is in the streets where everybody's equal"- HNIC
Monday, August 18, 2008
We are going to be doing a quick California weekend at the end of this month right before we head back to Europe with Paint It Black in September. We have been invited to play F Yeah Fest on Saturday August 30th in L.A. with NEGATIVE APPROACH, NO AGE, FUCKED UP, PAINT IT BLACK and bunch of other radical bands. There is no reason you should miss the fest if you live in Southern California. It is going to be a wild time. We will also be playing 924 Gilman St. in Berkeley the day after the fest with FUCKED UP, THE STRANGEBOYS and CRYSTAL ANTLERS. We MIGHT be playing a show on Friday the 29th before the fest but we do not have anything confirmed as of yet. We will have more info on that if/when it happens. All of the info for both of these shows is posted below. Hope to see you all there...
Saturday, August 30th
F Yeah Fest 5
Day 1:
No Age
Negative Approach
Matt & Kim Glass Candy
Two Gallants
Fucked Up
David Vandervelde
The Strange Boys
Paint it Black
Trash Talk
Mika Miko
Crystal Antlers
Past Lives
Mannequin Men
War Tapes
High Places
Best Fwends
Abe Vigoda
David Dondero
Preacher & the Knife
Triumph of Lethargy
Underground Railroad to Candy Land
Off With Their Heads
Tod Adrian Wisenbaker
Michael Reunion
Frank Fairfeild
Dimitri Coates of Burning Birdes
Graham Forest
Halloween Swim Team
60 Watt Kid
Witch Hats
+ more
@ The Echo, EchoPlex & Jensen Rec Center
Sunday, August 31st
Fucked Up
Trash Talk
The Strange Boys
Crystal Antlers
Murder Process
@ 924 Gilman St.
Berkeley, CA
Saturday, August 30th
F Yeah Fest 5
Day 1:
No Age
Negative Approach
Matt & Kim Glass Candy
Two Gallants
Fucked Up
David Vandervelde
The Strange Boys
Paint it Black
Trash Talk
Mika Miko
Crystal Antlers
Past Lives
Mannequin Men
War Tapes
High Places
Best Fwends
Abe Vigoda
David Dondero
Preacher & the Knife
Triumph of Lethargy
Underground Railroad to Candy Land
Off With Their Heads
Tod Adrian Wisenbaker
Michael Reunion
Frank Fairfeild
Dimitri Coates of Burning Birdes
Graham Forest
Halloween Swim Team
60 Watt Kid
Witch Hats
+ more
@ The Echo, EchoPlex & Jensen Rec Center
Sunday, August 31st
Fucked Up
Trash Talk
The Strange Boys
Crystal Antlers
Murder Process
@ 924 Gilman St.
Berkeley, CA
Monday, July 28, 2008
Tour/S&F Over, New Webstore Items and Euro Tour
It's Monday morning and our tour as well as Sound and Fury are officially over. Both were a blast. Shouts to the Cold World and Iron Age camps for making this last US tour one of our most enjoyable. Whispers to the Wolfpack for allowing us to continue on our way. Thanks to all the moshers and party animals who came out and made this weekend so much fun.
If you missed us on the road and at S&F we will have the limited red and yellow colors of our S/T LP up for sale in the web store soon. Keep checking for those at www.trashtalkhc.com/store. For those of you still waiting for merch orders that were placed online, they will be shipped by August 1st. Thanks for understanding how difficult it is to get those out while on the road.
We will be taking the next month off to recuperate, hitting the road again on September 9th with Paint it Black. Come hang out:
If you missed us on the road and at S&F we will have the limited red and yellow colors of our S/T LP up for sale in the web store soon. Keep checking for those at www.trashtalkhc.com/store. For those of you still waiting for merch orders that were placed online, they will be shipped by August 1st. Thanks for understanding how difficult it is to get those out while on the road.
We will be taking the next month off to recuperate, hitting the road again on September 9th with Paint it Black. Come hang out:
9/12: Arnhem, Netherlands @ The Stage
9/13: Linkoping, Sweden @ Deadfest
9/14: Hamburg, Germany @ Hafenlang
9/15: Berlin, Germany @ Cassiopeia
9/16: Prague, Czech Republic @ 007
9/17: Vienna, Austria @ Arena
9/18: Milan, Italy @ TBA
9/19: Stuttgart, Germany @ Juha West
9/20: Tilburg, Netherlands @ ZXZW Festival
9/21: Paris, France @ TBA
9/22: London, UK @ The Underworld
9/23: Newport, UK @ Le Pub
9/24: Manchester, UK @ Star & Garter
9/25: Leeds, UK @ Brudenell Social Club
9/26: Brighton, UK @ The Engine Room
9/27: Izegem, Belgium @ Ill Blood Fest
No peace,
Friday, July 25, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
so thursday night we were hanging out in new jersey at our roadie nick fits house so we decided to go to a show that night in jersey. it was a cool gig it was the banners record release and it was also a record release gig for pellinore and surroundings. we were having a good time hanging out. then the idea came up that we should play a few songs so we all talked and decided fuck it why not. our bass player spencer was not there yet he was still in the van driving across the country so we had to find a bass player stat. who better than nick fit? we taught him the songs outside in the back of his truck and then we went in and played three songs right before the mongoloids and it was wild. here are some pictures courtesy of manny marres. check it out:

after the gig we went over to our friend rottmans house for a bbq. burgers gigs and beer. it was a solid night overall. you know its a good night when you throw up the following morning? spencer got in super late that night im not exactly sure what time but he came in flipped on me screamed some wild shit in my face at some random hour of the night. spencer is back and in full rage mode. the next morning we woke up early to get started on our long day. we had a lot of shit to do that day. we had to practice/pick up our new cd and get to the gig up in boston. we looked it up on the internets and found a practice spot right near where we picked up our cds in long island, ny. so we made our way through hours of traffic and finally got into long island. we went straight to the practice spot and had a good hour of jammin. after that we packed up quickly to make it over to the pressing plant before they closed. we got a little turned around in long island on the way to get the cds but it eventually worked out and we made it. i never realized how much room cds take up till we picked em all up. it was a great feeling for all of us to pick up the cd that we did ourselves. we did it all. trash talk collective 001. we couldnt be any more siked. after we picked up the cds we had to smash to boston in order to make it on time to play. i took the wheel and started flying down the freeway a lot faster than i probably should have. our directions sent us on a ferry from long island to ct. i guess its alot faster than backtracking and going through nyc. so we hopped the ferry to ct and got back on the freeway going super speeds hoping to not get pulled over cause i dont have my license and that would not be a good situation. we showed up the boston gig during iron ages 2nd to last song just in time to gig. we loaded in past the lower class brats show going on downstairs and got everything set up. the show was rad. tons of kids came out and raged. shout outs to km for always hooking us up when we come through boston. we sold our new cd for the first time ever that night and it was cool to get it out there. we will have it with us this whole tour so you should probably pick it up when we come through. go see hoodrack at the table he will be able to point you in the right direction. here are some pictures from the boston gig check it out for yourself:

after the show we went and stayed with some of our friends around the area. i smoked tons of weed with this dude who was tellind me about his wild gamer life. starcraft warcraft and all of the shit. i was next level high so it was pretty interesting hearing how people make money off of that shit? the next morning we woke up and walked around boston for a few. got some food check out some stores then got in the van and made our way to the NYC gig. we showed up a little early. the place the show was SUPPOSED to happen at was the illest spot you could ever have a show at. it was in brooklyn you walk down this hallway through a door and theres this backyard area about 15 feet by 15 feet. it would have been an insane gigger in that spot. it looked like something out of a movie or some shit. too bad right before iron age was about to get on and shred everyone the cops busted in the door and broke up the part. i guess all the beer and weed going around the building didnt help the situation but still tell the cops to get a life and let the gig go on. the promoter tried to move the show to this place called the rockstar bar so we all packed up and made our way over there. kids were taking the train and walking over that way to. once we got there we found out the show was 21+. i walked in the spot and the lady says "you got an id?" i said "yo im not 21 my band is about to play here right now" and she replied with "i dont give a fuck what youre about to do youre not stepping foot in here unless your 21" so the gig was officially cancelled. cold world/iron age and us sold merch out of the back of our vans then loaded up and parted ways for the night. we decided to make an over night drive to pittsburgh to stay with some of rashods friends that always treat us well when we come through. our road warrior nick fit banged out the long overnight drive in true road dog fashion. right now we are sitting in a living room about to eat some breakfast these wonderful people are making us. after that we will probably all pass out till the gig. tonight we play in pittsburgh you should come out if youre in the area. heres the flyer:

thats all i got for now i will be updating this blog every few days so keep checking back. come out to a gig in your area and pick up the new record. see you all soon.
dfts dfts

after the gig we went over to our friend rottmans house for a bbq. burgers gigs and beer. it was a solid night overall. you know its a good night when you throw up the following morning? spencer got in super late that night im not exactly sure what time but he came in flipped on me screamed some wild shit in my face at some random hour of the night. spencer is back and in full rage mode. the next morning we woke up early to get started on our long day. we had a lot of shit to do that day. we had to practice/pick up our new cd and get to the gig up in boston. we looked it up on the internets and found a practice spot right near where we picked up our cds in long island, ny. so we made our way through hours of traffic and finally got into long island. we went straight to the practice spot and had a good hour of jammin. after that we packed up quickly to make it over to the pressing plant before they closed. we got a little turned around in long island on the way to get the cds but it eventually worked out and we made it. i never realized how much room cds take up till we picked em all up. it was a great feeling for all of us to pick up the cd that we did ourselves. we did it all. trash talk collective 001. we couldnt be any more siked. after we picked up the cds we had to smash to boston in order to make it on time to play. i took the wheel and started flying down the freeway a lot faster than i probably should have. our directions sent us on a ferry from long island to ct. i guess its alot faster than backtracking and going through nyc. so we hopped the ferry to ct and got back on the freeway going super speeds hoping to not get pulled over cause i dont have my license and that would not be a good situation. we showed up the boston gig during iron ages 2nd to last song just in time to gig. we loaded in past the lower class brats show going on downstairs and got everything set up. the show was rad. tons of kids came out and raged. shout outs to km for always hooking us up when we come through boston. we sold our new cd for the first time ever that night and it was cool to get it out there. we will have it with us this whole tour so you should probably pick it up when we come through. go see hoodrack at the table he will be able to point you in the right direction. here are some pictures from the boston gig check it out for yourself:

after the show we went and stayed with some of our friends around the area. i smoked tons of weed with this dude who was tellind me about his wild gamer life. starcraft warcraft and all of the shit. i was next level high so it was pretty interesting hearing how people make money off of that shit? the next morning we woke up and walked around boston for a few. got some food check out some stores then got in the van and made our way to the NYC gig. we showed up a little early. the place the show was SUPPOSED to happen at was the illest spot you could ever have a show at. it was in brooklyn you walk down this hallway through a door and theres this backyard area about 15 feet by 15 feet. it would have been an insane gigger in that spot. it looked like something out of a movie or some shit. too bad right before iron age was about to get on and shred everyone the cops busted in the door and broke up the part. i guess all the beer and weed going around the building didnt help the situation but still tell the cops to get a life and let the gig go on. the promoter tried to move the show to this place called the rockstar bar so we all packed up and made our way over there. kids were taking the train and walking over that way to. once we got there we found out the show was 21+. i walked in the spot and the lady says "you got an id?" i said "yo im not 21 my band is about to play here right now" and she replied with "i dont give a fuck what youre about to do youre not stepping foot in here unless your 21" so the gig was officially cancelled. cold world/iron age and us sold merch out of the back of our vans then loaded up and parted ways for the night. we decided to make an over night drive to pittsburgh to stay with some of rashods friends that always treat us well when we come through. our road warrior nick fit banged out the long overnight drive in true road dog fashion. right now we are sitting in a living room about to eat some breakfast these wonderful people are making us. after that we will probably all pass out till the gig. tonight we play in pittsburgh you should come out if youre in the area. heres the flyer:

thats all i got for now i will be updating this blog every few days so keep checking back. come out to a gig in your area and pick up the new record. see you all soon.
dfts dfts
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